Investors in People Accreditation Press Release
Investors in People is delighted to award Elanders UK, a global partner for integrated supply chain solutions, We invest in people, standard accreditation.
It means principles and practices around supporting people are in place and everyone understands how to use them to make work better!
Elanders UK, part of the Elanders Group, is a global partner for integrated supply chain solutions with over 90 operations across 4 continents. Elanders provides flexible and agile solutions for even the most complex supply chains. Elanders also provide their customers with value-added services such as print and packaging resources which are successfully integrated into the core business model.
Paul Devoy, CEO of Investors in People, said: “We’d like to congratulate Elanders UK. Being accredited with We invest in people is a remarkable effort for any organisation, and places Elanders UK in fine company with a host of organisations that understand the value of people.”
Commenting on the award, Kevin Rogers, Managing Director, Elanders UK, President Sales & Marketing, Elanders Group, said: “Elanders are delighted to have been awarded the Investors in People standard again this year. Our people are the reason we are a successful business so winning this award fills us with confidence that we are making the workplace a great place to be and helps us on our journey of continuous improvement.”
We believe that the success of your organisation begins and ends with people. If we make work better for everyone, we make work better for every organisation. And if we do that… we make society stronger, healthier and happier.
Join our community of 15,000 organisations across 75 countries and make work better.
About Investors in People
Most of us will spend around 80,000 hours at work in our lifetimes.
For something that takes up that much of our time, we think people deserve to get more out of it than just a regular pay cheque.
That’s why we’ve already helped more than 11 million people across 75 countries to make work better.
And you know what, we’re just getting started…
How are we doing that?
We’re a community interest company, which means we put our purpose before our profits. That means everything we do and every direction we take is done to make work better.
Organisations that meet the We invest in our people framework are proud to display their accreditation to the world.
Because they understand that it’s people that make work better.